Friendship is the Spice of Life Part 3:
Part 3 Friendship failures
The best way to love others is with open hands.
We can love others well by loving ourselves with grace, dignity, acceptance and forgiveness. Hurt often builds a shield and it is hard to get past the hurt sometimes. Rifts in friendships come when we fail to say or do the right thing. Trust leaves, circumstances change, and we become hurt. How do we move pas this?
We have to grieve - acknowledge that we have been hurt.
Ask God to help us look at ourselves- what part did have in the hurt?
Forgive- always 2 sides- we need to own our part.
Let Go! Sweep your side of the street and move on.
Bless that person. Be a peace by allowing yourself to remember the good times and bless them as they move on.
Friendship failures happen to all of us. It is all part of the journey of growth in our lives.