Fear is a Liar
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
What is Fear? Often, it Stems from our own narrative (the story we are telling ourselves), false information/lies that we haven’t fully investigated, or what we may be seeing right in front of us.
Ask yourself the question Is there any truth behind what I am fearing? Truth is the key. Do some research on what may be fanning your fear. Vet it out.
In a world full of mostly lies God’s Word is the only and final truth. His truth and promises will lead you in a walk of faith not fear.
The link in the below there are 365 passages of scripture that you can print out and read. One for each day!! https://www.peacechurch-cr.org/editoruploads/files/GROW/Resources%20for%20Growing/Bible%20Reading/365_Bible_Verses(1).pdf
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