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Building a Vibrant Mother Daughter Relationship

When you brought that beautiful baby girl home from the hospital all dressed in maybe a little pink, wasn’t it your hope and dream to raise this little one up to someday be your friend? We never know what life may throw at us, so along the way we will make mistakes and life just happens, but each day is a new starting point and our children are such a gift. Here are some areas that my daughter, Ashley, and I implemented through the years.

I took seriously my responsibility to teach her to love Jesus and others. That is an important foundation to lay down early. Secondly, have FUN and ADVENTURE together. Whatever that looks like to you make the effort… Shop, travel, eat, workout, hunt 😊 whatever it is… make the time. Thirdly, Show her how to be industrious. Try a new side hustle. Tell her about your job if you work outside the home. Teach her the value of a dolla

r. Lastly, Be gracious towards one another. Forgiving easily and always end with “I love you”.

Final Thought: Love Jesus and others, communicate, invest in one another, and have Fun!!

Proverbs 31:25-26

25: Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. 26: She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue




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