Updated: Apr 6, 2021
Listen in as we go through a number of fun questions that ignite laughter and more conversation. Try this with your friends or family. Here are some questions to get you started. Pinterest is a good source for many questions that you can add to a question jar for you home. What was the worst job you ever had? If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be? What was your scariest moment that you can now laugh about? What was the worst haircut you ever had? If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why? What is your most used emoji? What is the best piece of advice that anyone ever gave you? Have you ever been told you look like someone famous, who was it? Does your current car have a name? What is it? What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep? ****Please make sure and hit the SUBSCRIBE button along with the notification bell so you can always "Join the Chat". Visit our blog for show notes and more information. https://soldbymolly.wixsite.com/joint​... Shop Molly's ladies Boutique: https://shoprbelle.com/​ Visit Cindy's travel blog and hit that SUBSCRIBE BUTTON https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYmH​...
Updated: Apr 6, 2021
Part 3 Friendship failures
The best way to love others is with open hands.
We can love others well by loving ourselves with grace, dignity, acceptance and forgiveness. Hurt often builds a shield and it is hard to get past the hurt sometimes. Rifts in friendships come when we fail to say or do the right thing. Trust leaves, circumstances change, and we become hurt. How do we move pas this?
We have to grieve - acknowledge that we have been hurt.
Ask God to help us look at ourselves- what part did have in the hurt?
Forgive- always 2 sides- we need to own our part.
Let Go! Sweep your side of the street and move on.
Bless that person. Be a peace by allowing yourself to remember the good times and bless them as they move on.
Friendship failures happen to all of us. It is all part of the journey of growth in our lives.
Updated: Apr 6, 2021
Part 2: Being an intentional friend
Friendships take action- extend yourself by:
Calling your friend on the phone, don’t just text!
Remember their special days
Know their love languages- Do they like gifts? time ? service? affirmation?
Volunteer to help her with her kids
Invite her to coffee, craft night, dinner, playdate
Be real - vulnerable
Ask her for advice or her opinion
Do life together
Pray for her and with her
Here is the tricky part of friendships. Sometimes we reach out to others and they don’t reciprocate. We do all the asking, but we never get asked back. We have to take the clue that this friend isn’t in a time of life that she can give back. We can just accept them for what they can give to the friendship or just move on. We have to be willing to take a risk and invest. Friendships take time. Some are instant but most take time to make a history. Get involved in something that you care about. Often being involved in something like volunteering or joining a club creates a bond making friendship easier. Being intentional means taking risks and being vulnerable to find the kinds of friends that we as women long for.
A final thought…..We all get hurt by others. We have to be willing to let go of irritants and forgive each other.