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with Janet, Cindy, and Molly

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Attitude of Gratitude

Living and modeling gratefulness

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

  1. How do you express gratefulness?

In words- I am grateful for, I appreciate you, I value your support, that was so thoughtful of you.

In writing- a text, email, a card

In deed- doing something for someone like a meal, a gift, act of service.

Do we model these for our children? Grandchildren?

2. Why is gratitude so powerful?

Being grateful allows people to acknowledge the goodness in their lives.

Helps people feel positive emotions, reduce anxiety, depression, strengthens the

immune system and improves health. We need each other! Gratitude builds stronger relationships.

Have you ever considered a gratitude journal? Writing one thing each day you are grateful for. It’s so good to reread it over the years.

3. How can you be grateful in hard times?

Stop worrying about what you don’t have and concentrate pn what you do have- focus on the positive. Do something you enjoy. Forgive easily. Help someone else- it’s better to

give than receive -focus on others.

4. Please comment 3 things you are thankful for today.

Living with a grateful heart improves your quality of life and makes you feel happier.

Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine.”

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

What is Fear? Often, it Stems from our own narrative (the story we are telling ourselves), false information/lies that we haven’t fully investigated, or what we may be seeing right in front of us.

Ask yourself the question Is there any truth behind what I am fearing? Truth is the key. Do some research on what may be fanning your fear. Vet it out.

In a world full of mostly lies God’s Word is the only and final truth. His truth and promises will lead you in a walk of faith not fear.

The link in the below there are 365 passages of scripture that you can print out and read. One for each day!!

Thank you again for dropping in to “Join the Chat”. Remember a Joyful heart is good medicine”! Proverbs 17:22

When you brought that beautiful baby girl home from the hospital all dressed in maybe a little pink, wasn’t it your hope and dream to raise this little one up to someday be your friend? We never know what life may throw at us, so along the way we will make mistakes and life just happens, but each day is a new starting point and our children are such a gift. Here are some areas that my daughter, Ashley, and I implemented through the years.

I took seriously my responsibility to teach her to love Jesus and others. That is an important foundation to lay down early. Secondly, have FUN and ADVENTURE together. Whatever that looks like to you make the effort… Shop, travel, eat, workout, hunt 😊 whatever it is… make the time. Thirdly, Show her how to be industrious. Try a new side hustle. Tell her about your job if you work outside the home. Teach her the value of a dolla

r. Lastly, Be gracious towards one another. Forgiving easily and always end with “I love you”.

Final Thought: Love Jesus and others, communicate, invest in one another, and have Fun!!

Proverbs 31:25-26

25: Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. 26: She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue



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